Globalization that is sweeping all over the world, especially Indonesia, has given a lot of changes in people's lives. Globalization can be defined as the process of deployment of new elements, especially concerning global information through print and electronic media.
Globalization has two sides of a coin (positive and negative) may also lead to cultural infiltration unstoppable. Cultures so quickly and easily interchanging and mutually influence each other. Including live western liberal culture and oriental culture permeate freely are more likely to regularly and maintained by religious values. The negative impact of globalization looks sad is the change that tends to lead to a moral crisis and morals, so it raises a number of complex problems engulfing the country due to the moral. Can be demonstrated from small things such as school children were truant during school hours, until corruption. There are also criminal acts that every day we usually see. This proves that the moral crisis has been and is sweeping the nation. We as students should contribute to understanding the upheavals of globalization that has been hit at this time.
In the book Dimensions of moral education written by Cheppy Haricahyono, the definition of morality is something that is related, or something to do with the ability to determine the truth or falsity of a behavior. So the moral is something very important in life to determine whether the poor attitude or action we did.
Students in this globalization era, such as the loss of direction and purpose. They are stuck in the circle of the effects of globalization that emphasizes style hedonism and apathy (indifferent, do not care). The young generation today is anarchism in voicing the interests of the people, even many people who think the younger generation is now occupied by fights and clashes. So in the end the security of society becomes impaired and learning life in institutions or schools is not conducive pendidkian which gave rise to fears of a moral crisis of young people who are supposed to be agents of social change for the better, but hindered by the sheer happiness of the world.
Both print and electronic media, which we used to read and see every day, all presenting readings and spectacle that often less attention to morality, manners and ethics. Thus directly readers and viewers may be affected moral and behavior. Especially when the readers and viewers are teenagers (students) who do not have the sufficient knowledge of religion is strong. Not only that, in terms of science we did gain many benefits from this globalization era. However, in terms of culture, we'd get a lot of negative influences.
If the terms of the existing education system in Inonesia, our education system today is still more focused on the acquisition of cognitive and academic cram. While affective and psychomotor as though secondary. So what happens is the personal formation of poor etiquette, manners, and moral ethics.
Indonesia a little look at the life of the past. From the first, Indonesia has been known throughout the world as a country that is friendly, polite, and courteous. Because it was a lot of foreign people amazed and interested to visit our country. See the life of rural communities full of tranquility and peace to mirror the behavior of Indonesian society. The practice of mutual help or mutual help 'strong inside and customs of rural communities.
But what happened in Indonesia today is the younger generation is more interested in the customs of another country that does not conform to the mores and ethics of our nation. They assume a more sleek and modern, be it lifestyle or behavior. Because of that, arising promiscuity among teenagers (students) and affect the mind as well as the behavior of the younger generation. The decline of morals in the younger generation to make Indonesia will worsen and have a bleak future.
Here are some facts about the decline in moral ethics and student / student in the can from the various communities:
1. 15-20 percent of teenagers in Indonesia has been having sexual relations outside marriage
2. 15 million adolescent girls aged 15-19 give birth each year
3. As of June 2009 has recorded 6332 cases of AIDS and 4527 HIV positive cases in Indonesia, with 78.8 percent of the new cases are unreported derived from the age of 15-29 years
4. It is estimated that there are about 270,000 female sex workers in Indonesia, where more than 60 per cent are aged 24 years or less, and 30 per cent aged 15 years or less
5. Each year there are approximately 2.3 million abortions in Indonesia where 20 percent are abortions performed by teen
6. According to the police, every year of drug use is always up. Most victims come from groups of teenagers, about 14 thousand people or 19% of total users.
7. The number of criminal cases do children and adolescents recorded 1,150 while in 2008 only 713 cases. This means that there is an increase in 437 cases. Types of crimes that include theft, drugs, murder and rape.
8. From January to October 2009, Crime committed by juveniles increased 35% over the previous year, the average culprit aged 13 to 17 years.
Source: News residents Gunadarma University Jakarta
Of some phenomenon that has been described above, it is clear that the condition of students in Indonesia is seen that the decaying ethics, morals, and morals of the nation of Indonesia.
In addition, we can also know that there are some factors of globalization, among other things:
The entry of foreign cultural or social pattern of Western culture, such as school children were playing until the night (for example to the café) without the knowledge of their parents.
The development of technology that is not matched by an increase in the quality of student character. Whereas the development of technology is urgently needed for this nation to be able to continue to compete in the era of globalization
Rapid flow of communication media into Indonesia. Can best be described as a cell phone equipped with advanced features such as camera, video, internet, and also being a trend of students today is fuel line, and so forth.
How to dress young children in this or students who are now no longer uphold the values of decency, most of them dressed in skimpy and tight. Can be exemplified any school uniforms they wear at school. Uniforms should be formal, sometimes made "adventurous", such as clothes made tight, and skirts are made shorter.
From the above factors we can know that the western culture easily escape enter Indonesia freely. Thus causing the culture in Indonesia is getting washed out, and the values of Pancasila no longer be used as a guide to the young generation of Indonesian life.
Moral crisis occurs also because of the values of Pancasila is now beginning to wear off and are no longer implemented in social life. Pancasila is supposed as a way of life and philosophy of the nation is now just a mere slogan. In the act, most people are not heeding the principle of the Deity, Humanity, Unity, Democracy and Justice. National identity has now been washed out, causing immoral behavior that harm others and make further decline of this country.
Indonesia at present has faced problems of morality crisis. This problem has spread to all aspects of life. Some moral crisis that we can see them is from our education system, indifference to others, from the loss of ethics and morals, naughtiness teenagers, broadcasts on television the less educated, the behavior of our officials are not trustworthy and much more crisis Other morality.
Habits of children today that we usually see is a brawl between schools, conflicts among school children which resulted in fights and murders, juvenile delinquency excessive, students are considered rude, not responsible for his actions, too many school students (learners) who become victims of drugs. Even habits brawl was now a culture, no less than they do brawls just to create a sensation, a troublemaker, and chaotic without a clear rationale and problems. Juvenile delinquency such as free sex, promiscuity and drug use has spread to remote villages. Not to mention, the rise of video perzinaaan increasingly accessible and available. With only meroggoh petty cash, people can download it from websites on the internet. Want to be what this nation if the younger generation just like that. Thus it is very clear that the globalization of increasingly sophisticated technology is not filtered properly a very negative impact for students, because of their ease of information access.
Not only that, the shows on television today many are not educated. For example soap operas, mostly soap operas watched by students (teenagers). Soap opera presents a story smelled of romance, fighting, abuse, promiscuity, fashion trends and contemporary slang others. And worse it is imitated by teenagers or students, such as wearing a skirt above the knee to the school, tight clothing, smoking, and others. Westernized culture increasingly bring harm to the youth, especially students, in which the result is they become indifferent to the development of this nation.
Most of the Indonesian people entrust education as one of the institutions capable of printing human or youth moral, ethical, and moral. In addition, Indonesia is also admitted as a State religion. However, the question now is why at the moment many people, especially those students who do not have morals. It is seen that this nation is getting infected with virus globalization that bring harm to the moral Indonesian people, especially students who rise to an opinion whether one of the Indonesian education system up to a moral crisis occurs prolonged.
We can know that students have great potential, the challenges and responsibilities of his era. The challenge is to maintain a fixed generation and better than the first. Students as agents of change required to take a role in the challenge in the form of social change. Thus the need for a strategy planting of ethics, morals, and morals among students.
The most important is the cultivation of religious values. Planting value of religion is very important to each individual. Because it looks at the moment one of the factors to poor morale of young people is loosening grip on religion. Thus causing religious beliefs start of urgency, belief in God living symbol, prohibitions and commandments of God are not ignored anymore. By loosening one's grip on religious teachings, then there goes the power controller that is inside him. So the first thing to do is planting religious values, to the values inherent in an individual in order to know where the orders and where the ban.
In addition to the above, the planting of ethics, morals, and morals not only instilled in the family environment alone but required the cooperation of the school, the community and the government. The family as the first and principal environment in which a child get the education provision of ethics, morals, and morals. The role of parents is very important in the process of moral development of children. Since early parents should be able to provide direction, guidance, and example to children. Through the teaching of morals as educated and given the notion of good and bad deeds, instill religious values, and manners. Parents should always keep an eye on the behavior and development of their children, especially when the child was a teenager, because at this age imbalance occurs emotions so easily carried away to things that are bad.
In addition to the family environment, there is also a school environment. In the school environment, the teacher's role should be active in the planting of ethics, morals, and morals to students. Not only knowledge is taught in learning, but teachers should be able to educate and give virtue and to provide role models for students. Through creative teaching the teachers are required to insert the moral values that will be given to the learners. So that not only the cognitive aspects that can be students but affective and psychomotor aspects as well. With so they can embed and implement a good attitude in everyday life. So not only the role of religious or civic education teachers who instill ethics, morals, and morals on students, but all teachers should give values to the lives of learners (students).
In addition to family and school environment are also instill ethics, morals, and morals there is also a community environment. The child will grow and develop in society. There are five social institutions in society, one that is moral and ethical institutions. Institutions moral and ethical duty to take care of and attitude value of a person in the association community. Thus the role of the community in planting ethics, morals, and morals in a person very influential.
The latter is the role of government. Governments must be responsive and alert to the moral problems of the younger generation are declining. Through the Ministry of National Education, the government should review and examine and provide policies that can improve the morality of the younger generation. So that the desired objectives will be achieved and generate output quality of human resources, virtuous and faithful as well as the fear of God Almighty.
Because personal morally educated are individuals who have learned and ready to act in certain ways, simultaneously aware and proud of all the values and action
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